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The Flower of Catminster, a humungous yacht owned by the politician-cat Sir Lancelot Smiles-a-Lot, is broken into in Brixcat Harbour. Cash and jewels are stolen form the safe. Stanley Smartpants, the cooooolest cat detective in town, and his boss Chief Inspector Derek Dimwit, are soon on the scene. Before they can talk to the Harbour Master-cat, Bosun Brian, who reported the robbery, he is found dead. Was it an accident or was it murder. . . Did the same cat commit both crimes. . . Was it Mackerel Mike, one of the fishercats who pulled the dead cat from the sea and then disappeared. . . Or Bouncing Bert, the Assistant Harbour Master-cat, who clearly wants the top job. . . Or could it have been Willy Splish of Splash Splosh Painters and Decorators, who recently decorated sir Lancelot's yacht. Or perhaps it was Ship-Shape Shane, the Commodore-cat of the Brixcat Yacht Club, who looks after Sir Lancelot's yacht. . . Or even Sir Lancelot himself. It's an intriguing mystery.

Author : Alexander Martin

Book Code : 5367340040

Price : ₹149

Delivery charges : ₹ 25

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