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Eastern India, 1686 : Job Charnock, a senior officer of The East India Company and the founder of Calcutta (as per orthodox belief) buries a treasure and leaves a clue in a secret riddle. But, nothing stays buried forever. Centuries later, the secret surfaces. So powerful it can kill many ; so intriguing, it can drag many. KOLKATA, Present day : A British researcher, Jennifer, is kidnapped while researching on Charnock. Ex-archaeologist Eric Roy, who is now a secret operative, gets involved in a bid to save Jennifer, only to find himself and his cousin Aurin in a life and death situation in a fight against multiple enemies, including a ninth centuary secret society out on a mission. Determined to uncover the treacherous secret that will rock the foundation of the orthodox belief, Eric and Aurin embark on a frantic continent-hoping hunt. They follow a trial through 500-year-old ruins and ciphers. But they have to survive long enough to rescue Jennifer, to decipher the centuries-old riddle, and discover the treasure.

Author : Victor Ghoshe

Book Code : 5379830050

Price : ₹159

Delivery charges : ₹ 25

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