Condition Of Book :

Is it possible that the answer to becoming a more efficient and effective thinker is learning how to forget? Yes! Mike Byster will show you how mastering this extraordinary technique. . . forgetting unnecessary information, sifting through brain clutter, and focusing on only important nuggets of data. . . will change the quality of your work and life balance forever. Using the six tools in The Power of Forgetting, you'll learn how to be a more agile thinker and productive individual. You will overcome the staggering volume of daily distractions that lead to to brain fog, an inability to concentrate, lack of creativity, stress, anxiety, nervousness, angst, worry, dread, and even depression. By training your brain with Byster's exclusive quizzes and games, you'll develop the critical skills to become more successful in all that you do, each and every day.

Author : Mike Byster

Book Code : 6727130050

Price : ₹229

Delivery charges : ₹ 25

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