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As a minor member of the Greek Royal Family in exile in England, beautiful young Princess Giona knows her Fate only too well. One day she is to marry for duty to her country rather than for love. But to her horror, destiny comes calling far too soon when by Queen Victoria's Royal Command she must marry the ageing and unpleasant King of the Balkan State of Slavonia in order to prevent it being swallowed up by its powerful neighbours, Austria and Germany. Arriving at the Capital City of Slavonia to meet her Royal suitor, she is horrified by his rudeness and contempt for his people, even as they take Giona to their hearts. But on the Royal Train, Giona has a thrilling encounter in the dark with a mystery man, who she saves from capture and execution by the Royal Guards. Could this man be the so-called pretender to the throne she has heard whispered about secretly, the revered Invisible One?

Author : Barbara Cartland

Book Code : 6896720030

Price : ₹144

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