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This book is a discerning analysis of the leadership vacuum that pervades the world. It outlines how leaders today can reach the summit of exceptional leadership by re-discovering the leadership traits that lie dormant within them. This 2nd edition is profoundly enriched by two new additions a new preface: Why we Have Fewer Good Leaders, and a postscript: Persistent Doubts; Perennial Questions. The innovative concepts that are already a part of the new leadership folklore. . . Four-Quadrant Matrix of Choice; Five Circles of Leadership Attitudes; Triple Top Line of Joy, Peace and Contentment and The Journey from Base Camp Leadership Traits to the Summit of Exceptional Leadership. . . have all been thoroughly updated with many inspiring insights that leave a lasting imprint on the reader.

Author : Ravi Chaudhry

Book Code : 5832340050

Price : ₹149

Delivery charges : ₹ 25

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